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New Quarters Page 2

  “What’s going to happen with work, mom?” Laurie asked.

  “They agreed to allow us to work from there on a retained basis. That way we can make some money and do what we need to do.”

  “That’s really far, Addy.” Her brother said.

  “Not really, it’s only a ticket away. Distance is not a problem. Plus, this is only a temporary thing for three years. After that Karen will have her place, and she can sell it, or do as she pleases.”

  Everyone was satisfied that Addy thought it was a good move and they wished her well. She told them that they would be leaving in about two months and that as soon as they were settled and had the cottage in order, they could come to visit. Everyone was thrilled with the possibility of visiting Scotland. All through the conversation, Karen had remained very quiet only answering questions.

  Later that night, Laurie had a chat with Karen in the kitchen. “Take good care of her, please?”

  “Laurie, do you really need to ask?”

  “No, Karen, but she’s my mom and I need to look out for her.”

  “I know, sweetie. Just remember, she’s all I have too.” Laurie was satisfied with Karen’s reply and left happy.

  When everyone left, Karen collapsed on the sofa and finally relaxed.

  “Well, that went well.” Addy commented as she joined Karen in the living room. “Definitely better than I expected. I think that I always expect more opposition than I get. After all, they have their own lives. You were nervous, all the time, weren’t you?”

  “I think I’ve lost three pounds this evening and most likely grew some grey hair. I was almost sweating for a while. When you announced the move to Scotland, I swear that my heart stopped.”

  Addy laughed. “Silly! To be honest, I actually think that Laurie is looking forward to our move. Having mom so close could be burdensome, you know?”

  “Well, if that’s the case, I’m very happy to take that burden off her hands and into mine.” Karen pulled Addy to the sofa and kissed her.

  “What did JP call you? Devil incarnate?”

  “Ha, ha, very funny.”


  After passing inventory of their finances to make sure they could afford the adventure, they concluded that it was doable. Addy had in the bank her share of the sale of the house, plus the money she had in investments and savings. Just the income from her investments, gave her a good cash flow and the rest was a hefty financial cushion. Karen for her part also had plenty of money in savings, plus she also received income from her investments.

  Although, upon leaving the firm neither would be receiving a huge salary, they would both be retained with a modest monthly check, plus any amount based on work done on an as needed basis. In addition, they would be living rent free in Scotland. The plan was to come back home at the end of the three years, pay for their condo in full and retire while still young to travel and enjoy life, and each other.

  Karen, who was the financial whiz, ran the numbers and calculated to the penny the expenses they’d have in Scotland, and reported that they would be fine. Addy’s reply to Karen’s financial report was simple. “Honeybunch, even if we have to eat spaghetti with no meatballs, we are going!” Addy was resolved. “Plus, how does that song go? ‘All I need is the air that I breath and to love you?’” She sang it.

  Karen smiled. “I’ll remind you of those words when you start missing the meatballs in the spaghetti. As soon as we are there, and I can see what our actual the expenses will be, I’ll come up with a budget.”

  Addy rolled her eyes. “Karen, we’ll be fine. We are reasonable people and neither one of us is the type who goes to the jewelry store every weekend. Plus, we have plenty of income from investments and savings.”

  “Addy, we are used to spending without looking at the money we have because we’ve had a steady flow of income, but now that flow of income will stop, so it’s not going to be the same, and—.” She was silenced by Addy’s finger.

  “We will live on whatever budget you come up with. Happy?”

  Karen raised an eyebrow. Not quite convinced of having won the argument so easily. “Humm—.”

  “Don’t worry so much, Ker, I didn’t always have everything. We’ll manage. I think that we will have more than we need, you’ll see.”


  At work not everybody was happy with the news. Their going away meant that, albeit temporary, they were losing two valuable trusted, moneymaking employees. However, everyone understood that this was an opportunity that Karen couldn’t pass up and that Addy needed to get away for a while. The firm agreed to the arrangements they requested because a lot of Addy’s clients had threatened to leave if she was not retained as the guardian of their interests. This infuriated some of the more established partners because even though she was pulling this little stunt, they still had to cater to her wishes. Every week her staff had to prepare a status report of all her clients’ accounts and she would contact whomever, if her input was needed. Addy had very influential and loyal clients. People liked her, and they felt good that she kept an eye on their interests.

  As for Karen, the firm needed her financial expertise. They didn’t have anyone quite like her. In fact, there weren’t many people like Karen. She was extremely good at assessing consolidations and security portfolios. Addy was always amazed with the intricacies of her work. Sometimes she would just sit next to her and watch her work her magic.

  “Some people are definitely brighter than others.” Karen liked the usual compliments and smiled, as she continued to work. “Of course, the real super bright people are the ones who get to sit next to the bright ones and watch them make the money. It’s like that old Spanish proverb, Quien a buen arbol se arrima, buena sombra lo cobija.”

  “Okay you are going to have to translate that one for me. Is this something about a good tree and shade?” Karen knew some Spanish and was always trying to learn more. Because Karen could already speak French, Addy was sure that Karen would someday speak Spanish, since both languages share the same Latin root.

  “Yep, ‘if you sit under a good tree, you will have good shade.’”

  “I don’t know where all these proverbs come from, but you should write them down. You probably have enough for a book.”

  “Maybe I ought to, but that will be after I write our story.”

  Karen looked at her with her eyes wide open. “You are going to write our story?”

  “Yep, one day. Not just yet, maybe when we are older. Maybe then I’ll send it to a publisher.”

  “What makes you think they will publish it?”

  “Oh, they will. It’s a beautiful story where love triumphs and overcomes all obstacles, even going beyond the rational. I still think I’m not a lesbian, you know.” Karen continued to work and smiled. “I’ve never really liked another woman, this is just a you thing. Doesn’t that make you feel special? That you are so gorgeously sexy to attract a straight woman? I better keep an eye on you. I don’t want anyone rolling on my turf.” Karen grinned, still looking at her computer. Addy, of course was joking. She knew Karen was totally in love with her. She just loved to tease her.

  “Adriana Marcos, first, it’s all in your mind that I’m that gorgeous or sexy, you are suffering from that ‘love is blind’ syndrome. Second, even if it were true, you have nothing to worry about. One hundred women could ‘roll on your turf,’ and it would mean nothing to me. All I want, I have. I appreciate it every single day and night, and would not trade it for anything on earth. I’m as good as gold.”

  “I know, baby, I’m only kidding.” She came closer gave her a big kiss on her cheek and got up to leave. That would have worked except that Karen grabbed her and pulled her to her lap. “You are my everything, Addy. I don’t ever want you to doubt me.” She kissed and tickled her neck. Addy squirmed. “Stop that Larsen, finish what you need to do, no fooling around now.” She got up to leave. “Save it for later.” Addy winked from the door and left. Karen remained smiling with all sort
s of thoughts in her head, none of which had to do with the work on her computer screen.


  During their last management meeting, neither of their minds was there. Addy didn’t want to be there. She didn’t care to work there anymore. She wanted to start a new life, do something different. She wanted to enjoy life and to make her new relationship work.

  Karen could only think of being with Addy, at last. A new faraway place offered endless possibilities. Most importantly, she’d have Addy all to herself. If there was ever a heaven, this had to be it. She could not focus on the meeting. When it was over, they both looked at each other, knowing that they both wanted to get out of there. When Addy winked, Karen smiled.

  That day when they left the building they both felt content. “Hey, want to take a stroll in the Park?”

  Karen was a bit surprised with the invitation, but she’d go anywhere with her. “Sure.” They bought some ice cream and crossed over to Franklin Park. Karen was silent, she knew Addy was up to something.

  “Remember that day when I found you here?” Addy asked.


  “What were you thinking about when I found you?”

  Karen smiled. “You.”

  “Really? I was thinking of you too. I couldn’t get you off my mind. I thought it was such a coincidence that I found you. I don’t think it was a coincidence now. I think it was all meant to be.”

  “Do you remember that I talked to you about a dimming light at the end of the tunnel? You were the light I was talking about. I had just found out that you were married and unavailable. I was devastated. You said not to give up, that maybe that dimming light would turn out to be my sun with time. Little did you know you were making your own prediction, huh? I always remember that day. I was so amused and shocked at the same time. Addy, I fell for you that first day I saw you at the gym. I remember hating myself for falling so stupidly?” Karen grinned. “Remember when we were over there in that corner after you stormed out of the restaurant and you told me that the next time I went to NY you’d come with me to look for a blonde while I looked for my brunette?”

  Addy chuckled. “I sort of knew then that I didn’t have to go to NY to find my blonde. I was very confused, that’s why I asked you if a straight woman could be in love with a gay woman. I didn’t know what to make of things. Do you know that I went home every evening looking at every woman on the street trying to figure out if I was attracted to any of them?”

  Karen chuckled. “Are you serious? Were you?”

  “No, no one appealed to me in particular. I concluded that I had a ‘you’ thing.”

  Karen grinned. “Let’s go home, all of a sudden this ‘you thing’ feels like demonstrating her appreciation.”

  “Let’s go then.”

  Part 2

  Scotland, UK

  Once they arrived in Scotland, they rented a car at the airport and drove to Altee. “I suppose you are going to be the one driving. It will take me a while to get used to drive on the other side of the road. Frankly, it scares me.”

  “Addy, you’ll have to do it, sooner or later. Once you lose the fear, you’ll be fine. Little by little you’ll get used to it. We’ll have to practice.”

  “Okay. I’m not saying I won’t, but all in due time. Not right now, plus I want to appreciate the scenery.”

  “Excuses, cheap excuses.”

  Addy stuck out her tongue from her side of the car. She looked funny and made Karen smile. The city of Edinburgh was big and exciting. Addy was like a little kid at Disney World. She found everything amazing. “The city seems very vibrant.” Addy commented.

  “Yes, it is.”

  Once they were out in the countryside, Addy was marveled by the views. “I love the scenery. I love how green everything is.”

  Karen smiled. “You say that now because everything is nice and warm. Wait till you spend a winter here. I almost feel like we shouldn’t unpack completely. And wait until the midges come out in the summer.” Karen chuckled.

  “Ker, don’t predispose me. Let me make my own conclusions. So far I like it. It’s a beautiful country. Oh, look! What a nice church, and look at what a quaint little town, and look at those cows over there. I bet we can get real fresh milk out here. What are midges?”

  “Yeah, you can get milk straight from the cow. Want to get a couple of cows and learn to milk them? Maybe we can get some chickens also and have fresh eggs, and every morning we can get up and sing ‘Old MacDonald had a farm.’” Karen smiled. “Midges are like small flies that bite. They come out in the spring and summer.”

  “Ker, you do have to change that attitude. It’s not working with me. There must be some kind of pest repellant to fight them off.”

  Karen continued to smile. As Karen drove, Addy noticed how Karen’s face glowed as the bright sunlight reflected on her almost platinum blonde hair. Addy was mesmerized looking at her. Karen sensed the attention and liked it. She was always elated to be the object of Addy’s attention. She could see Addy from the corner of her eye. Karen’s eyes were always on Addy, directly or indirectly.

  “If you’d like, we can stop on the side of the road, so that I can take care of whatever is it that you’ve got on your mind.”

  Addy grinned, realizing that she had been caught looking. “You might have to Ms. Larsen, if you don’t stop the nonsense.”

  Karen took Addy’s hand and kissed it. Rubbing it against her face, then she placed it on her own thigh and rubbed it. Catching Addy’s mischievous smile, Karen placed her hand on Addy’s crotch.

  “Ker, I don’t think you should be driving and doing this.” Karen smiled, as she continued to drive.

  “Should I stop?”

  “You wouldn’t?”

  Karen gave her a naughty look, and after checking to make sure that there were no cars, houses or anyone visible all around, she pulled up into a side road. Addy was in total disbelief waiting to see what Karen was up to. All the while, she couldn’t wipe the grin from her face. “Karen Larsen, I cannot believe you are trying to pull what I think you are trying to pull!”

  “Watch me.” She unfastened her seat belt and Addy’s, pulled Addy towards her kissing her fiercely, not allowing Addy any time to even speak or react. In the midst of the passionate kissing, Karen turned her around and leaned Addy onto her. What transpired in the next few minutes left Addy breathless, smiling, and limp.

  It really didn’t take much for her to arrive at that state. Karen’s wild streaks were always a complete turn on. Karen smiled when she heard Addy moan, stiffen and later felt her spasms before going limp in her arms. A very happy Karen kissed her repeatedly and held her tight wanting to prolong the satisfying moment as much as possible. “I love you.” Karen tenderly whispered in her ear. “Better now?”

  “Um huh, wow!”

  “You are welcome. Your pleasure is my pleasure, ma’am.”

  Addy sat up to zip her pants and to buckle up. Karen composed herself as she watched Addy reassemble herself. This spontaneous behavior was new and unusual for Karen. She was by nature, calm and calculative. Addy was the only person in the world who could make her do anything like she had just done because Addy gave her a degree of confidence and trust that freed her spirit. Once Addy buckled up, Karen started the engine, still grinning from ear to ear.

  “I can’t believe we just did that!” Addy stated and started to laugh.

  “Me either!” Karen joined in the laughter. “Addy, I’ve never done anything like that in my life. You make me do crazy things.”

  “We are behaving like a pair of horny teenagers, Ker.”

  “I love being a teenager with you.”

  “Me too. Do you think we can continue misbehaving tonight at home? I sort of need a little more play time, how about you?”

  “Your wish is my command. I definitely could use some play time also.”

  “Just some?”

  Karen grinned. “Let’s hurry up.”

  Addy got closer, and kissed
her on the cheek. Karen took her hand and kissed it and continued to drive.


  When they arrived at the cottage, they stood in front of it and took a good look at it. Addy chuckled when she looked to her side and found a very distressed face next to her. “Where’s your smile, sugar pie? I see home and happiness written all over this place.”

  Karen pursed her lips and couldn’t help smile at the optimistic comment, in spite of her very different vision of the cottage. Who wouldn’t smile to the vibrant creature standing next to her? As usual, Karen was mesmerized looking at Addy. She could never explain the irrational attraction, and the inexplicable craving she felt for her constantly. It was almost as if she was drawn, or possessed by a strange force, maybe the force of destiny. There was no point in explaining the unexplainable. Sometimes she wondered how she ever lived before meeting Addy, or if she could ever live without her. She never thought of that possibility for long because the thought was too depressing. But the truth was that she was no longer complete without her. Karen was always particularly fascinated about Addy’s optimistic vision of the world.

  Karen hugged her from behind and squeezed her. “I have never met a more optimistic person than you, Adriana. You can see gold where most people see straw.”

  Addy smiled. “Why do you sometimes call me Adriana?”

  “Because I love your name, because it fills my mouth when I say it, and because I can’t say it enough, and believe that I get to say it. I love you, Adriana.”

  Addy loved to see Karen so euphoric because it was unusual to see Karen let out her emotions. Karen was a totally different person with Addy. With Addy, Karen was as if a hurricane had been let out of a bottle, or as if a tsunami had risen from the depth of the ocean. Addy knew that it only happened with her and she loved it.

  “I love the sound of my name rolling from your mouth in that gorgeous accent. You take my breath away, Ker.”

  “Addy, how come you always know what to say while I can barely mumble when I need to tell you things?”