Party of Two Page 6
“In a meeting, got your message, will call later, and yes, to football, and lunch or dinner, or both! ☺”
Blair beamed when she saw the text message and was almost skipping down the hall after reading it. “She said yes, she said yes! And she’s going to call me!” Then she paused. “When? She didn’t say when? Oh well, I’ll wait. Forever if I have to!”
Later that evening, Alex sat in her office. She was going to make the call, but was nervous. What am I doing? Why am I so nervous about this? Am I getting in trouble doing this? Am I encouraging her? She knew exactly why she was nervous, she was afraid to admit that hearing Blair’s message and looking forward to seeing her again excited her in an unfamiliar way. But she said she only wants to be friends, so why not? She brushed the negative thoughts away and keyed Blair’s number hoping to go straight to voice mail. She was relieved when it did. She was determined not to sound nervous.
“Hi Blair, it’s Alex. Looks like we are going to be well acquainted with our voicemails. Yes, I would love to go to the game with you and lunch and, or dinner. I guess that’s what I said on the text, silly me! Call me and let me know the details. Bye! Oh, I get out after six in the evenings, so that’s a better time to catch me live.” Catch me live? What am I saying? I sound so stupid!
Blair was in surgery and didn’t have her phone with her when Alex called. The rest of the night had been busy in the emergency room, and it was not until the middle of the night that she saw and heard the voice mail. She was delighted by the melodious voice and played the message at least three times, or maybe more. It was too late to call and thought that a text would be more appropriate to acknowledge and respond to her call.
“Got your voice message. I just got out of endless hours of surgery. I’m sorry I couldn’t answer before. I can’t take calls in the OR, and now it’s too late to call you. It’s great about the game. Looking forward to it. I’ll call with details. I won’t be free until that day. Sorry again. I’ll call.” She sent the text. Shit, I said that twice! I’m not thinking straight. I need to sleep.
Alex was asleep, but heard the beep of the phone and immediately grabbed it. She smiled when she read the message.
“Should I call her? It’s late. But at least I know she’s awake right now. She won’t mind.” She pressed her number and immediately felt her heart beat faster with each ring of the phone. “I shouldn’t have called. Should I hang up? Too late to quit now, her phone already picked up my number. Please, don’t answer, please don’t!”
Blair didn’t look at the phone and just answered it. She was on call and thought it was one of the nurses. “Blair Reilley.”
“Hi…it’s me. Alex”
Blair was resting on her cot, but when she heard who it was, she immediately sat up.
“Alex! Hi! I didn’t think you’d be up.” Blair’s heart was beating so fast, she had to make an effort to calm down.
“I wasn’t, but I am now.” Oh shit! Did I just tell her that she woke me up?
“Oh God, did my text wake you up? I’m sorry. I didn’t think. With my crazy schedule, I’m up at all hours of the night, and sometimes I don’t realize that some people keep normal hours. Sorry. Won’t happen again, I promise.” Blair thought she had screwed up and there was no room for that when things were going so well.
“It’s okay, Blair. It’s no big deal. Most of the time I go to bed late reading, or working.”
“Okay, so, yes to the game. I’ll get the tickets and once I know the time, I’ll call you and we’ll eat too.”
“Okay. Are you well?” Alex asked thinking that Blair sounded a bit rushed.
“Yeah, how about you?”
“I’m fine. Too much work, but I’m not going to complain. Are you just getting off?”
“Yeah but I’m not going home, it’s not worth it. I have to be here in five hours, so I’m staying here. They have facilities for us to shower and crash, and that’s what I’m doing.”
“Jeez, I don’t know how you can do it. I guess I won’t complain about my work hours anymore.
“It’s not always going to be like this. Someday, I’ll have regular hours, but this is how it is for now.” Blair explained her situation not wanting Alex to think that she was a workaholic, or that her job will interfere in her having a normal life someday. She wanted Alex to see a perfect picture of her.
“You should go and rest, I don’t want to keep you.”
Blair rushed to speak. “Oh, no, don’t worry, talking to you is good for me. I like it, no matter what time. I feel good talking to you, although, as you can see, I keep repeating myself. You have this effect on me that makes me sound like an idiot.” Shit why did I say that?
Alex didn’t know what to think other than inwardly admitting that Blair also had an effect on her. “Don’t worry, just call me tomorrow, or whenever.”
Blair couldn’t help the feeling of satisfaction. “Okay, I will. Go back to bed, I mean to sleep.”
“Yeah, to sleep. I’m already in bed, good night.” When she hung up, she laid back on her pillow to take in the gravity of her situation. Oh God! What am I doing? I am definitely encouraging her. I’ll have to talk to her again and remind her that this is just a friendship.
Chapter 3
They talked several times on the phone before the game. Not long talks, just short silly awkward talks.
“So, are you going to be okay riding on the back of my motorcycle? Because, if not, I can rent a car or—.”
“Blair, are you nuts? How can you say that you are going to rent a car just to go to a game! If I didn’t want to ride on your bike, we’d drive my car, or take an Uber. Say no more, the matter is settled.” Alex wanted to put an end to Blair’s concerns and decided that the best thing was to be blunt about it.
The day of the game, Blair arrived early and parked in front of Alex's building. She pressed the intercom key as Alex had instructed. “Hello,” Alex responded.
“Hi, it’s me, Blair.”
“Come up.”
Blair was already impressed with the address, and now with the entrance as she checked the lobby. The luxurious building was six stories high, in a very affluent part of town, and only two blocks away from the hospital. Shit what kind of money does she make to live here?
When the elevator door opened on the fifth floor, Alex was already waiting for her outside her door. The minute she saw Alex smiling by the door, all her apprehension vanished. Then it was just the regular nervousness of facing the heavenly creature waiting for her.
“Hi, come in.”
“I love your building,” she looked around the apartment, “nice place you got here. It’s awesome. Wow, look at that view!”
“Maybe I should leave. I don’t think I can afford you!” Blair’s tone was in jest, but she meant it.
“Silly, why would you think you have to afford me?”
“Well, I kind of like to pay when I take a girl out on a date.”
After overcoming a brief shock, Alex took the opportunity to set things right. “Well in that case, let’s settle that matter right now. First, you are not taking any girl out on a date. We are two friends going to a game. Second, it is only fair that, since you are providing the tickets and the ride, I take care of the food for the day. Also, since we are clearing the air, this apartment belongs to my mothers. I don’t think I could afford this neighborhood if it had to come out of my pocket, and even if I could I’m not sure I would live here. It’s too snobby now, although, according to them it wasn’t always like this. They’ve had it since before I was born. They bought it to be close to the hospital.”
Blair listened and smiled. She liked the way Alex laid it out for her, loud and clear. The blonde was gutsy, and Blair loved it. “Why did they need to be near the hospital? Was anyone sick in your family?”
“No, it’s nothing like that, but there is no way I can possibly explain my mothers in a few minutes. You have to meet them to
comprehend, and that is something that is not going to happen just yet simply because I don’t want to start WW III.”
“You think they wouldn’t like me?” Blair showed her disappointment.
Alex couldn’t help smile. “No, precisely, the opposite. I think they may flip over you.”
Blair grinned with her usual genuine, naive, sweet smile. Alex thought they should leave as soon as possible. “Besides, any stories about them could take hours. Trust me! If and when you meet them, I’m warning you, it will be at your own risk! Shall we go?”
They started to walk out and continued their conversation in the hallway and elevator. Blair felt giddy walking next to Alex. She still couldn’t believe that she was going out with her again. She was also thrilled with the possibility that there might be a future, since Alex had mentioned the probability of meeting her moms.
“Yeah, sure. You are scaring me about them, though. What is it about them? I know by the way you speak of them that they are very important in your life, and—.”
Alex interrupted her. “Blair, my mothers are the most unique, loving people in the world, and there is no reason to feel any apprehension. I can say this a million times and you won’t believe me, but two minutes with them, and you will be totally in love with them. And most likely, they with you.”
“Wow! In love?” Blair smiled.
Alex nodded, but continued to walk. Blair opened the door for her and watched as she went down the steps. She focused on the absolutely marvelous way that Alex filled her jeans. She thought that her front and back balanced each other perfectly. Alex was flawless to the point that she had to force herself to look away. Once outside, Alex looked at the bike parked right in front of the building.
“So, you are going to have to show me what to do here. I’m good at horseback riding, but I’ve never done one of these.” She sort of blushed as to how that had come out.
Blair got her drift and loved it. Lord have mercy! “Well, there’s not too much to it. I’ll sit up front, you sit on the back and you see this here?” She pointed to a section of the bike. “You put your feet there and don’t put them down, even if I stop. As for the rest, you just hold on to me. That’s all there is to it. I’ll go slowly. We’ll go around the neighborhood a couple of times until you are comfortable. If you are not, we’ll park it and call an Uber. I don’t want you doing something you are not comfortable with, okay?”
Alex agreed, pleased with Blair’s willingness to accommodate her. “Okay, thanks.”
“First, you have to put on a helmet. Here, let me get it for you.” Blair pulled out a beautiful green helmet from under the back seat of the bike.
“Nice, I like the color, it is so shinny. It looks brand new.”
“It is, I just got it yesterday. I liked the green. It matches the color of your eyes.” She regretted her statement the minute she made it. There was no need to volunteer such information. She hoped that Alex wouldn’t be put off by her comment. “If you don’t like riding the bike, I can return it.”
Alex was caught by surprise, and hesitantly spoke. “Did you get it because of me?”
“Well, I normally don’t have passengers, but I needed one, in case I ever did. So, it was time to get it.” Blair made up a quick answer to cover the simple truth that she had gotten it for her, and that she never intended to have any passengers. Her answer had apparently satisfied Alex who went on to her next question.
“Will it fit?”
“Yes, it’s adjustable. Let me help adjust it.” Blair set the helmet on her head and proceeded to make the necessary adjustments in the straps, while Alex scanned her face and neck. An uneasy feeling crawled over her. It was not like her to feel overwhelmed or intimidated by anyone. Yet Blair almost made her shiver at times. She liked the confident way in which Blair had taken over to make the necessary adjustments, and reacted when she felt her fingers brush her chin. While Blair worked on the straps, she met Alex’s eyes several times, but averted them every single time.
When Blair finished adjusting the straps their eyes locked on each other. This time Blair held her gaze and the smiles were immediate. Blair’s stomach tightened and her heart pounded like an African drum. “Is it too tight? We don’t want it too loose.”
“No, it’s fine,” Alex replied.
“You look good. Green was a good choice.” Damn! I shouldn't have said that! I’m just going to ruin this if I keep spilling my guts every time!
Alex blushed. She had never cared for such compliments, but on Blair’s lips words seemed to acquire new meaning. “Thanks.”
Blair smiled, and when her dimples showed Alex smiled even more. She turned around to get her helmet in an attempt to do something else other than look as stupid as she felt and started to put on her own helmet.
“You look pretty unreal yourself,” Alex added.
“Why unreal? I’m just trying to—.”
“Sssh! Shut up! Just take the compliment, would you?”
Blair liked the fact that Alex was not going to let her ruin anything. She also liked the way she treated her with such a commanding tone. “Okay, thanks for stopping me. I sometimes talk more than I should.”
“Only sometimes?” Alex cocked an eyebrow, and the gesture made Blair smile and look away shyly. “You didn’t come across as shy when we met at the bar.” Alex commented in jest.
“Well, that goes to show that appearances can be deceiving.” Blair stared into her eyes.
When the stare became too intense to the point of making the situation awkward, Alex quickly changed the subject. “Do I get on the bike first, or do you?” Blair noticed the quick change of subject.
“Let me, that way you can hold on to me, and it will be easier for you.” Blair climbed on the bike and looked back for Alex. “Now you climb on.” Alex thought Blair looked stunning on the bike. She couldn’t even bring herself to sit and not be able to take the full sight of her. She managed to climb on and sit, as Blair had instructed.
“Are your feet up already?”
“Yeah, wait! Okay, I’m going to be leaning forward, if I put my other foot up, is that okay?”
“Yeah, lean on my back. That’s the way it’s supposed to be for aerodynamics. If you are not comfortable, we can get an Uber, I won’t be offended.”
“Liar, you will, and you know it. Besides, I need to break in this beautiful helmet. Come on, put your foot on the pedal, and let’s burn some rubber!”
Blair laughed with her beautiful contagious laugh. “Okay, hold onto me.”
“Please, go slow!”
“I will, don’t worry. Trust me.”
Alex hesitantly placed her arms around Blair’s waist. “Um, Alex, you are going to have to hold tighter than that, or you’ll fall.”
Alex smiled and jokingly tightened her grip. “Like this?”
“As long as I can breathe, we’ll be fine.”
Alex chuckled and loosened her grip. “Okay, I’ll let you breathe.” She didn’t intend it, but her voice had a seductive ring that made Blair’s heart skip. Blair closed her eyes momentarily when Alex leaned forward, and she felt Alex’s body pressed against hers. Thank God I have the handle bar to hold on to!
“That would be good considering that I’m driving.”
“Wow, didn’t know nice girls used those words!”
“What nice girl?”
Blair smiled and started the engine, she immediately felt Alex tighten her grip, and heard the words that escaped her mouth. “Oh shit!”
Blair laughed. “Open your eyes. Trust me.”
“How did you know I had my eyes closed?”
“I just knew.” Blair took off slowly and drove around the neighborhood, as she had promised.
After the third time, and while stopped at a traffic light, she heard Alex whisper in her ear, “If you go around one more time, they might call the cops on us thinking that we may be casing a place. I think we can head out now.” She smiled when she saw Blair�
��s amused look.
“Are you sure?” Unknown to Alex was the fact that the slow drive around the neighborhood was also helping her to get the feel of the warm body behind hers and the grip of Alex’s hands around her.
“Yes.” Alex held on tighter liking the feel and the scent of Blair’s body. It felt good to hold her.
After a pleasant ride, they arrived at the stadium and parked. “I think you need to get off first, so that I can support the bike,” Blair said.
“Okay.” Alex placed her hand on Blair’s shoulder and attempted to get off, but her legs failed her, and she fell forward, Blair rushed to grab her and she found herself in Blair’s arms. She looked up and froze, not so much for her near-fall but because of the closeness to the piercing blue eyes.
“Be careful there. Sometimes it takes a while to get your land legs back.”
Alex liked the way she felt, with Blair’s arms around her. When she steadied herself, she saw Blair taking her helmet off and she attempted to do the same with hers. Not knowing how it worked, she was having some difficulties, but Blair came to her rescue. Once again, the feeling of the soft hands and the blue eyes so close to her face made her uneasy. This time she was the one averting Blair’s intense scrutiny.
“I think I may need to trade the bike for a car. I don’t want you to be afraid to go out with me.”
“You are doing it again. I’m not afraid to ride the bike.”
“I’m doing what again?” She wanted to know what she had done so that she would never do it again, if it annoyed her.
“Being ridiculous. You can’t give up your bike just like that! Let’s go watch that game. The bike is fine. Come on!”
Walking into the stadium, Alex wondered if Blair was just kidding about trading her bike, but when she looked to her side and found Blair staring at her, she wasn’t so sure anymore. As she followed Alex into the stadium, she couldn’t take her eyes from Alex, her hair, her broad, straight shoulders, her toned back, the sway of her hips, how she filled her jeans, and how wonderful it would be to have that body pressed to hers. She snapped out of her musings as they reached their seats.