New Quarters Read online

  New Quarters


  Tey Holden

  Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including recording, printouts, information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the author. Copyrights to this publication, and the entire Addy and Karen Series are registered with the Library of Congress.


  My deepest appreciation go to my friend, editor, and knight in shinning armor, Ani Maudel (in California), the many readers and friends who volunteered their time to beta read the story as it evolved, Gina (in the UK), Karen (in Missouri), Robyn (in New Zealand), Wally (in Kansas), Laure (in La Reunion), and my very patient graphic designer (in Texas).

  I dedicate this book to my loyal readers because without their encouragement this story would have never been written.

  Part 1

  It was hard to believe that they were finally together, after all that had transpired during the past year. For Addy, it had been hell. First, accepting and coming to terms with her feelings for Karen, then the trauma of the divorce, and finally the uncertainty of whether things would work out with Karen.

  Dealing with her feelings for Karen had been an overwhelming emotional ordeal. She never thought herself a lesbian, and yet she had to admit having feelings for a woman. She reconciled the contradiction by concluding that she was only attracted to Karen, but still even that reconciliation implied an unexpected and dramatic life change.

  Breaking away with her former life, after so many years of marriage, had not been easy either. She was mainly worried about how her daughter would accept the divorce, and about how family and friends would react. Her worries had been exhausting, and had taken a toll on her. The decision to move in with Karen had also been difficult. Addy feared that Karen might have difficulty adapting to living with someone since she had always lived by herself. She feared that living together would change their relationship, and that things wouldn’t work out between them.

  “Ker, please, promise me that if at any time you feel uncomfortable with me around all the time, you’ll tell me. I don’t want our relationship to suffer. Sometimes people can’t live together, and they can still love each other. I understand people needing their space. I don’t want anything affecting how we feel about each other. Our relationship is too precious to ruin it.”

  “Addy, please, stop that kind of talk. I want you here with me. Trust me, baby. Have faith in me.” Addy wanted to believe that things would go right and was hoping for the best. She certainly believed in their love, so in a leap of faith and following her heart, she moved in with Karen.

  None of her fears materialized. Everything and everyone had been great. The family accepted the divorce and realized how well and happy she was, enjoying her newfound freedom. In the end, everyone suspected that she and Luke were not going to make it. Apparently, everyone had seen that they had grown too far apart. Laurie had been away in college, and was not aware of how distant her parents had been all those years. She thought that, since Addy was the one who requested the divorce, she would be happier now. She knew that her mother was not one to make hasty decisions, especially not when it came to family matters, and knew that her decision and action must have been well founded. She also knew that Addy would be fine on her own because she was very independent and full of life, and that Karen would look out for her mother.

  As for Karen, life had finally turned real. She now had the life she wanted, a life with Addy. There were no more lonely days, or arrival to an empty dark apartment, or endless nights of reading or watching movies on television. Everything seemed to have acquired a new meaning, a new perspective. Her world seemed busy and perfect.

  Having Addy by her side was her wish come true and she was committed to making it work and be happy. Most of all she wanted Addy to be happy because she was convinced that her own happiness depended on Addy’s. Even though she was content, in the depth of her soul, Karen had some fears of her own. Her worst and darkest fear was that Addy would walk away from their relationship upon feeling unsatisfied, after realizing that their relationship was not what she expected. Although she constantly pushed back those dark thoughts, Karen lived with that hidden, inner fear.


  Even though Addy didn’t speak very much about what she had just gone through during the past year, Karen was aware of her mental tribulations. Karen knew that dismantling her previous life had deeply affected her, and that it would take a while to get over it.

  Wanting to put the past behind, Karen favored and pushed for anything that would give them a fresh start. She’d rather deal with the present and plan a future than dwell in the past. Therefore, she tried to anticipate any possible anguish or preoccupation Addy might have, and to work things out in a way that the issue would not materialize, and if it did, she would minimize it and offer all her support and comfort. Karen knew there were ghosts in Addy’s life that would not go away easily. That is why she pushed for the sale of her condo and the purchase of a new one. She thought that a new place that belonged to the two of them, would give them a new beginning.

  Karen was right. After they sold her condo and moved to the new one, Addy began to be her old self. Starting again had invigorated her in a way that was just wonderful to watch. She was making plans to decorate their new place and a million other plans that tired Karen just from listening. But Karen adored all that vitality and self-determination and would listen and watch her adoringly. Then when action was required she would follow Addy’s lead like a puppy. They had agreed to sell all their old furniture and start totally fresh. Not even the dishes in the kitchen were going to be the same. This was a brand new life, and they were starting it from the ground up. Karen was thrilled to see Addy so alive again.

  Regardless of how crazy the idea might have sounded at first, when the move to Scotland came up and Addy seemed so excited about it, Karen welcomed it. She thought it might be good to go far away from everything and everyone and be on their own, if only for some time. She thought that after the three years were over, they would be more established as a couple and they could come back and face the life they left behind. Karen thought that the next three years would help cement their new relationship.

  Although they both had different perspectives, they embraced the move to Scotland with open hearts and minds. For Addy, the move presented a brand new life in a new world. Living in a country setting in northern Scotland was definitely a different scenery and pace than living in Washington, D.C. She saw this new life as an adventure full of possibilities and, mostly, as an opportunity to dedicate herself completely to her relationship with Karen. She also needed to convince Karen that she was with her for good, for long, and in fact, forever. She wanted to reassure Karen that she was her life and that no matter what else would happen, she was there for the long haul.

  While, she hoped for the best, Karen feared that this would be a difficult move for Addy because she would be in a totally unfamiliar environment, and most concerning of all was that Laurie would be so far away. In the bottom of her heart, Karen feared that they weren’t going to last there. She thought that either Addy would miss her daughter terribly, or that she would never get used to living in the country with its slow pace, or that she would hate the long and cold Scottish winters. In her mind, Karen had resolved that Addy’s happiness and the success of their relationship was the most important thing and that the minute she detected any kind of unhappiness in Addy, they would return home.

  Karen also thought that the move would not be easy for her either. She had been gone from Scotland for many years and it would take time to become reacquainted with a life she had le
ft behind so long ago. However, for her this was not unfamiliar ground and now Addy was with her and that made a world of difference to her.

  She was also hoping that her family would stay away from their lives and that she wouldn’t have to deal with them. She really didn’t expect them to try to reconnect with her because the truth was that they had never been close. They had never accepted her, and now with the matter of the inheritance hanging over their heads, they probably disliked her even more to the point of maybe even hating her. They were of the opinion that she didn’t deserve the property because she had never cared to come back to Scotland. Karen chuckled thinking that if they ever found out, as they probably would with time, that Addy was more than just a friend, they’d come to despise her even more.

  Although Addy had insisted that there was no need to keep the condo in Washington, she agreed to keep it after Karen convinced her that it would be good to have a place to stay when they came to visit, and that it also did not make sense to sell so quickly a property they had just bought. The property and the inheritance in Scotland were nice, but her priorities were clear, Addy came first over anything else. Her relatives could do whatever they wanted with the inheritance once she was out of the picture.

  They had no secrets, and Addy knew Karen’s opinion well. “Addy, I’ve told you before, and I’m telling you again because I know how you are, if I have to choose between Buckingham palace and you, I want you to know that you are definitely going to be my choice. I will not think twice about leaving Scotland or the inheritance, if being there makes you unhappy, is that clear?”

  “Got ya. Can we eat now?”

  Karen rolled her eyes. “Adriana Marcos, sometimes I think you don’t take me seriously. I worry, I worry a lot.”

  “Good, somebody has to worry. I’ll let you be the one to take care of that.” She smiled, as she spoonfed Karen some rice. “Eat, it’s going to get cold. And to put you at ease, I promise that if I’m not happy, I will tell you, okay?”

  Karen with a mouth full of rice mumbled some words. “Even if you don’t tell me, I’ll know. I know everything about you.”

  “Everything, huh?” She raised her eyebrows suggestively, as she continued to fill Karen’s mouth with yet another spoonful of rice.

  “Yes, puff . . . puff . . . I do.” Rice flew everywhere.

  “Baby, you are so cute.” Addy kissed her on the cheek and laughed.

  A very content Karen chewed her rice, as she resigned herself to her fate. It didn’t matter what Addy said or thought, she was going to have the last word on this matter. She was resolved, but didn’t see a point in arguing, at the moment, with someone so stubborn. So, she decided that she would cross that bridge, when she came to it.


  Washington, D.C.

  When Karen told JP about the move to Scotland, he blasted her through the phone line. “Say what? Are you crazy? What the heck are you guys going to do over there? My God, Karen, we’ll never see each other! Honey, I don’t make all that money to be flying back and forth over there! And Addy? How does she feel about leaving her daughter here? Babe, I don’t know if that’s a good move for you. She’s going to be homesick, and she’s going to leave you freezing your ass over there. Sweetie, I don’t think you’ve thought this through. You are asking too much from Addy, the woman just got divorced and is starting a new life. Karen, I think you are risking it big time. You have to make things nice for her so that she can feel good and comfortable with you. In my opinion, you are playing with fire. This is like going for your honeymoon to Antarctica rather than Hawaii.”

  “Are you done Jean-Paul?” Karen knew that whenever JP was nervous, or preoccupied he went on and on about the same thing. She’d always let him to talk as long as he wanted, so that he could get everything out of his system.

  “I don’t know! I’m feeling really panicky about all these changes. It’s as if you like living on the edge, or as if you had a death wish! Just when everything is working out, you again have to rock the boat. You are playing with fire, you know? I thought Addy was all you wanted. Now you have her and you want more?”

  “Jean-Paul, Addy is the one who wants to do it. She made the decision for us. I didn’t want to take her away from here, but she insisted that this was a good thing and that we should do it. I only agreed because she seems resolved, but the truth is that if in three months she wants to come back, I have no problem with it. We’ll pack our bags and be back immediately. I want her to be happy. She is all I want, and she is for sure my number one priority.”

  “Well, I feel a little better now. I’m going to have to talk to that woman, and put some sense in that head. Doesn’t it get really cold up there? I don’t think she’s going to like it. You know how she hates cold weather.”

  “I told her. Talk to her, if you want to, she just walked in.” Karen handed the phone over to Addy. Even though, she shared all of JP’s concerns, she was willing to give the Scotland move a try because the idea of having Addy all to herself, for however long they lasted over there, was comforting enough to give it a try.

  Addy picked up the phone. “Hi ballerina man, how are you?”

  Karen chuckled when she heard Addy’s new nickname for JP, she was always coming up with new names for him. The best part was that, no matter what Addy called him, he was always okay with it.

  “I was fine until two minutes ago when I got on the phone with your blonde there. Adriana Marcos, have you gone bananas? Do you know how cold it gets in Scotland? That has got to be like the Antarctica of the North! Your butt is going to freeze up there, honey, and your skin is going to get all pruney and wrinkly and, oh God, I don’t know what else to tell you! Do you know what that is going to do to your complexion? Have you forgotten that you like warm weather? Plus, we won’t get to see you guys as often. It’s awful Addy, just awful! Whatever makes you think that you are going to like being up there, or that it will be good for you? Whatever possessed you to do this?”

  “I know it’s cold, JP, but it will work. It’s a beautiful place and it’s Karen’s homeland. Everything is beautiful and green like her eyes.”

  Karen rolled her eyes, and shook her head, but she was also grinning. “YOU ARE PATHETIC! PLEAZZZEEE!” JP screamed. Don’t give me the gorgeous green eyes speech again, honey, get real. The fact that you are drooling over the sexy blonde is not going to make the winters over there warmer, you know?”

  “Nope, but the sexy blonde will keep me warm. I’ve got you on the speakerphone JP, you better be nice to the green eyed monster because she is turning a very dark shade of red right now. I definitely know that she can generate a lot of heat to keep me warm all winter, JP. I know this for a fact.”

  “Oh give me that!” Karen took the phone from Addy’s hands, even though it was on speakerphone. Addy reclined on the sofa laughing. “I cannot take any more of this nonsense. We are going, and that’s that. Live with it, and you better start saving to come and visit. We want you guys to come and see the place.”

  Addy took the phone again and spoke from her reclining position on the sofa. “Really JP it’s very nice over there. Very green, you’d love it as much as I do. And, it’s Karen’s home and I don’t want her to lose it. It’s what her aunt wanted. Once it’s hers, she can do with it whatever she wants.”

  “I don’t know. Aren’t you going to miss your daughter here?”

  Addy sat up. “Of course I will, JP. What kind of a question is that? But she’ll come and visit during her school breaks. She will love it also. And don’t forget that this is only a three-year thing. Besides I think it will be good for us to be by ourselves for a while. We need to have some time for us.”

  “Luckily neither one of you can get pregnant, otherwise, you’d end up with five kids from all the sex you’ll be having all those long winters up there. That’s the only positive thing I see coming out of all this!”

  “JP, we don’t need long winters for—.”

  Karen jumped and grabbed the phone
again before Addy could finish her statement. “Oh God! How do you turn off this speakerphone thing? This conversation has to end now, since I seem to be the only one with a sense of decorum around here.”

  Addy continued to laugh as she pulled Karen down to her lap and held her. JP chuckled. “Who would have thought that you’d be the one saying those words? I’ve lived to see the day!”

  “Good night, JP, I love you too.”

  “Ha ha! I love you devil incarnate! Take care, give my love to Addy. On second thought, the woman already has enough of your—.”

  “Good night, JP!”


  A few days later, Laurie, her fiancé, and Addy’s brother and wife came for dinner. All through dinner, Karen looked very much at ease. However, the truth was that she was a pack of nerves. No sooner had they finished eating, Addy broke the news.

  “There is some information that I would like to share with all of you. First, I’m taking a leave of absence from work. I need a break and the timing is perfect. The other piece of information which is a bit more drastic is that I will be moving to Scotland for the next three years.” Karen froze when she heard Addy’s announcement. She didn’t dare look at the other members of the family thinking that there would be some sort of pandemonium in the family, and that at the last minute things would not go well. However, there was no uproar.

  Laurie was a very mature, well-adjusted individual who understood that her mother had a life and that she would live it to its fullest. Laurie knew that her mom needed a change and that this was a new adventure for her. Rather than thinking that her mother would be far, Laurie was already making plans to come to see her and asking whether she would pay for her airfare. Addy laughed. “Of course, I will pay for your ticket.” Laurie was still in grad school and was unable to cover such an expense.

  Addy explained to everyone the matter of the inheritance, and Karen’s reluctance to accept it. “The truth is that I need a change in my life, and Karen needs someone to keep her company over there, so I said, why not? I’m really excited about the whole thing and looking forward to the change.”