Party of Two Read online

Page 7


  Alex didn’t know what was more fun watching the game, or Blair screaming and cheering.

  “You must think I’m some sort of lunatic, it’s been a long time since I’ve been this happy. Thanks.”

  Alex seemed surprised with the ‘thanks’ part. “I’m having a great time also. I can’t remember when was the last time I enjoyed a game so much.”

  Blair looked into the distance, and unexpectedly stood up and whistled for the beer vendor. When Blair looked down to ask if she wanted a beer, Alex was laughing. “Sorry that was not very lady-like. Do you want a beer?” She smiled apologetically.

  “Yes, please.”

  Blair stood and yelled to the vendor. “Two, and make them cold!”

  The guy yelled back. “Sure, just for you!”

  The exchange made Alex laugh even more. Blair handed Alex the beer. “Here, sorry, about the whistling again. I couldn’t help myself.”

  Alex continued to laugh. “Where did you learn to whistle like that?” Blair blushed a bit, but the smile in the green eyes was worth every whistle in the world. Her heart was bursting when she took a sip of her beer. She was about to explain when she heard a woman’s voice calling her name.

  “Hi Blair, how are you? I thought I recognized your whistle.” The thin brunette with short, brown hair remarked.

  “Hi Claire, I’ve been fine, how about?”

  “Can’t complaint,” Claire responded while looking at Alex.

  “Claire, meet Alex.” Claire nodded, apparently not too happy.

  “Hi, pleased to meet you.” Alex greeted her in her usual animated tone.

  The woman gave Alex a nod, and turned to talk to Blair totally ignoring Alex’s presence. “Haven’t seen you around the bar lately.” Alex sensed the woman’s hostility towards her and ignored her as well

  “Yeah, today is my first day off in the last three weeks.”

  “Well, stop by some time, maybe we can have ourselves a dance or two.” She gave Alex a not too friendly look again, and addressed Blair one last time. “See you around.” She walked away as she spoke.

  “Girlfriend? Ex maybe?” Alex asked the minute Claire was gone.

  “Neither. Sorry about that, she didn’t seem very friendly, did she?”

  “For a moment there I thought, you and her—.”

  “She’s interested, I’m not.” Blair looked at Alex straight in the eyes when responding.

  Alex pursed her lips and thought to change the subject. “So, you dance?” Inwardly, she couldn’t explain the feeling of relief she felt knowing that Blair was not interested in Claire.

  “At the bar, all the regulars know me. They all look out for me. I told you about them. They pull me out to the dance floor. I don’t like to dance all that much, but they all say I have great moves.” She chuckled. “All I do is follow what they do.”

  “Do you like to dance?” Alex asked

  “Yes, I love it.” There was silence until Blair spoke again. “Look, Alex, a few times I’ve left the bar with a woman, not her, or any of the regulars.”

  “Blair, you don’t need to explain yourself to me. You are a young, healthy, single woman and you are free to do whatever you want, just like me. No need to explain. I get it.”

  Blair looked at her. No, you don’t get it. I do need to explain. I don’t want you to think that I’m some sort of slut.

  Alex noticed that Blair became quiet. Did I hurt her feelings? I don’t want to know about her conquests at the bar. For God’s sake, with her looks, she has only but to whistle from the door and most of the women in that bar would follow her home. Alex also became quiet. All of a sudden, for some unknown reason, the thought of Blair with someone else bothered her. She looked to the game as if trying to find some answers, then she looked back to Blair. Blair had just sat down from one of her emotional cheering outbursts when she noticed Alex looking at her. “Is anything wrong?”



  “She said you haven’t been going to the bar. Why?”

  “Time.” Blair looked back to the game.

  “You’ve been spending all your free time talking to me on the phone, haven’t you?”

  “It’s not like I have much time.”

  It was not what she said, but how she said it that pierced Alex’s heart. “Who’s been checking on Megan?”

  “Alex, I go when I can. I can’t all the time. Sometimes, I feel like I need time to myself.” She felt guilty about her confession. Alex was not aware of the many things that had happened when she came back to Edinburgh, but this was neither the place, nor the time to bring it up. In fact, she wouldn’t unless she needed to.

  Alex sensed Blair’s discomfort with her question and she perceived there was more to it than what she was saying. She made a mental note, to bring it up at a more appropriate time.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. It’s just that I don’t want to be the reason you are not doing something you should be doing.”

  Blair stopped watching the game and looked at Alex. She looked troubled and trying to find the right words to say. “Alex, sometimes I feel like my life is not mine, I always seem to be doing everything for everyone else. Once in a while, I take time for me. Being with you and talking to you is the only thing I’ve done lately that I really want to do. I enjoy your company.”

  “I think you should resume your visits to the bar.”

  “I don’t want to go there alone anymore.”


  “I don’t want to give the impression that I’m on the prowl. Look at what you thought of me! And God knows how long it will take me to erase that picture from your mind. And besides I don’t want anyone trying to hook-up with me.”

  “I don’t have a bad opinion of you. If I did, I wouldn’t be here with you today.”

  “Would you come with me then?”

  “Where? The bar?”


  “Blair, it’s a lesbian bar. If I show up there with you, people are going to think that we are together.”

  “We don’t have to be a couple to go there. I mean, lots of times people go there with friends just for a beer and some dancing. You went there with Brooke. Not everyone goes to a bar to pick up a date.”

  “Well, the opposite doesn’t work well either. If I appear to be there alone, women might ask me out to dance. It wouldn’t take long. I don’t want to find myself slow dancing with some unknown woman. I had a bad experience once at one of Brooke’s parties, and it wasn’t fun.”

  Blair raised an eyebrow. “What happened?”

  “Brooke and I have known each other since high school. She was the only lesbian at our school, and she had trouble adapting. She dressed differently and acted differently. Everyone was either scared of her, or afraid to be seen with her. I became friends with her because I wasn’t either. I grew up around lesbians and felt perfectly comfortable with her. So, I bluntly told her to ‘get with it’ that if she was gay, she had to be proud of it and not be shying away or hiding, so in a way, I helped her feel good about herself at school.”

  “Weren’t you worried that other kids would think that you were also a lesbian? Or that you were her girlfriend?”

  Alex chuckled. “No, I was very popular at school. I was good at every sport, and all the girls wanted to be my friend and all the guys were eating out of my hands. Besides, if anyone ever got frisky with me, or her, I could kick their butts and they knew it. I’m a black belt in karate. So, no, no one ever messed with me. Everyone knew better than to mess with me or Brooke.” She paused.

  Blair raised her eyebrows and smiled visualizing the picture just described. “Black belt in karate?”

  “Yes, and I still practice it. So, consider yourself warned.” Alex gave her a daring look, which made Blair’s dimples show again. Blair watched and listened enchanted to the conversation that took priority to the now forgotten game on the field. “So, one time, Brooke had a crush on a girl. Th
is was after undergrad, and before I left for grad school. Brooke asked me to pretend to be her girlfriend at this party to make the other girl jealous. We had a couple of hot dances and then it happened, the girl she had the crush on, cut in our dance and Brooke took off with her and left me in the middle of the dance floor. Another woman came along, and I had no other choice than to dance with her. I didn’t like her moves, or the way she began to touch certain parts of me which were in very close proximity to certain other more private parts of me.”

  Blair smiled enjoying the way Alex described the situation. “Don’t smile! You are making me laugh and although it may sound funny now, it wasn’t then. Anyway, she thought she would have her fun with me on the dance floor. I felt very awkward and the result was not pretty. When she got too close for comfort, if you know what I mean, I hit her with my knee in her crotch and left. I did not feel good about it and the next day, I gave Brooke a piece of my mind for what she did. So, now you know why I don’t like to dance with women. The only women I feel good dancing with are my moms. I hesitated the other day when Brooke asked me to go with her to the bar. I was afraid she’d do the same thing. That would be just like Brooke, as much as I love my friend, she’s a flirt and a slut.”

  “Okay, I can see your apprehension and also why you were shoving me off that night at the bar. But, if we went together, we could dance to the fast songs and then people would think that we are together, and they’d leave you alone, and no one would want to hook-up with me. I also don’t want you slow dancing with other women. I mean if you had to slow dance with anyone, I’d prefer if it were me. Not that you’d want to, but at least, you and I would know that you are safe.” I need to keep my mouth shut, I feel like I’m rambling.

  Alex stared at her, not knowing what to make of that statement and wondering if she would feel safe in Blair’s arms. “And wait a minute! Why exactly don’t you want anyone to try to hook-up with you?”

  “I don’t have time for girlfriends.” Blair thought to play it safe, and she carefully watched Alex’s demeanor for a reaction. She couldn’t possibly tell her that it was because she had already found the person she wanted to be with. Whenever Alex felt a hint of a threat in any situation, she would always put on her Karen-inherited poker face.

  Alex studied Blair’s face carefully. Somehow, she sensed that something was off, but the intense blue eyes short-circuited her brain, and the poker face was hard to keep up. “Okay. I’ll go with you to the bar, but only if you make sure no one asks me out for any slow dancing.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m not letting anyone get near you.” Blair grinned. “Megan will be glad to see you. Tomorrow night, I get off from work at ten, I can pick you up after.”

  “Okay.” Alex turned to watch the game realizing what she had just agree to do. I’m so screwed! Now I'm going on another date with her, and to a lesbian bar! Why can’t I cut loose from her! She again found herself looking at the gorgeous woman next to her who was now screaming at the referee. Alex couldn’t help but smile again. She looked to the field and shook her head in disbelief. She had finished her beer and unconsciously began to take sips of Blair’s beer.


  “Well, that was a good game. Want to grab a bite?” Blair asked once they were outside.

  “Sure, how about some Pho? Or whatever!” Alex replied.

  Blair handed the green helmet to Alex, put on her own and climbed on the bike. When she looked back, she saw Alex standing next to the bike. “What’s wrong?” Blair asked.

  “I’m having some trouble with my helmet.” Alex was wearing her helmet but still had not locked the clasp and the straps were hanging loose, also it was crooked on her head.

  “Here, let me see.”

  When Alex stood in front of her and smiled, Blair looked at her and frowned. “Wait a minute! Do you have a buzz?”

  Alex chuckled. “Maybe, an insy bintsy one.” She put her fingers together to show. “But, don’t worry. I’m not driving!” She chuckled. “All I need to do is hang onto you, tight.”

  “Oh! My God! How could this be? You only had one beer!”

  “Yes, but I liked yours better.”

  “You drank my beer?”

  “Yours was better.”

  Blair chuckled and shook her head. “Come here. Let me fix your helmet.” Blair positioned the helmet right and started to fiddle with the straps.

  Alex raised her chin to give her better access, and Blair noticed that Alex was looking straight into her eyes. “Your eyes are very blue.”

  Blair grinned. “Sssh! It’s better not to talk when you have a buzz. You might have regrets.”

  “There are no regrets in the truth. And the truth is that your eyes are like diamonds in the sky!” Then she started to sing Brianna’s song.

  Blair chuckled. “Umm. Looks like someone needs something heartier than Pho tonight. Why don’t I take you home and make you a sandwich and coffee?”

  “Party pooper! Coffee is good, but can you make a latte?”

  Blair couldn’t wipe the grin of her face. “Okay. I’m going to get on the bike and then I want you to climb on it. I’ll help you. Alex missed the pedal and fell forward into Blair. Their faces were inches from each other.

  “Yep, like diamonds. Beautiful diamonds.”

  Blair continued to grin. “Come on. Let’s try this again.” This time Blair held her, and she was able to climb on the motorcycle. Alex instinctively put her feet on the metal bars and grabbed on to Blair as if she had always done it.

  “Do you think you can hold tight?”

  “Tighter than this?” She squeezed her.

  “Yeah, like that but leaving a little room for me to breathe?”

  “Like this?” She loosened her grip a bit, but leaned her face against Blair’s back. “Um, you are so soft.”

  Blair continued to grin. “Alex, are you going to be able to hold on to me?”

  “Of course! I like holding on to you.”

  Delighted with the comment and Alex’s grip on her stomach, she started the engine. “Please hang on tight. I don't want you falling.”

  When Alex heard the roar of the engine, she closed her eyes and she pressed her face against Blair’s back. Every time they stopped at a traffic light, Blair asked Alex how she was doing, and Alex consistently replied, “perfect!”

  When they arrived at Alex’s building, Blair helped her get off the bike and remove the helmet. Alex placed her hand on the helmet and looked into Blair’s eyes. “I liked the helmet, don’t return it. I’d like to ride again.”

  “I wouldn’t, it reminds me of the color of your eyes,” Blair said smiling and with a sudden bravado, which was quickly extinguished when Alex looked at her. The fresh air had washed away some of the buzz, and Blair’s remark struck a chord. Blair noticed and cautioned herself to keep her mouth shut, as she put away the helmets. Alex remained quiet as they walked into the building.

  “In case you are wondering, I’m taking you all the way to your flat. I want to make sure that you get there. Next time, I’ll keep a close watch on your beer intake. I don’t want anyone thinking that I got you drunk. I just can’t imagine how someone can get a buzz on cheap park beer. You are an alcohol wimp!”

  Inside the elevator, Alex smiled and leaned against the wall with her eyes closed. Knowing the damage she could do with her eyes, she opened them and stared into Blair’s eyes. “I am not a wimp,” she said in a low almost seductive tone.

  Blair froze when the green eyes pinned her, fortunately they arrived at Alex’s floor and the elevator’s door opened. Blair followed her to her door, and Alex opened it and walked inside the flat. She turned and noticed that Blair was still out on the hallway. “Aren’t you coming in?”

  Blair pursed her lips. “No, I need to go.”

  Alex became serious. “I thought we were going to make coffee?”

  “It’s best for me to go.” She didn’t allow Alex time to speak. “I had a great time. Thanks. I’ll pick you up
tomorrow at the agreed time to go to the bar. If that’s okay?”

  “Yeah, sure, but is anything wrong? Did I say anything wrong?”

  “No nothing’s wrong. Everything is perfect. Good night Alex. Go to sleep. See you tomorrow. And stay off the beer!”

  Blair knew that she couldn’t have stayed a minute alone with her in that flat. The attraction was too intense, and Alex was vulnerable with her buzz. If she lost it there for a minute all would be lost. Tomorrow at the bar, she would make sure Alex would not drink more than she should. She didn’t want anyone thinking that she was a bad influence. She was still concerned that Alex’s mothers might call. Na! It was too late for any calls.

  Alex closed the door and looked through the peephole, only to watch Blair disappear into the elevator. Then she crashed on the sofa. “She’s awesome. Shit!”


  The next morning when the phone rang Alex picked it up and saw it was Blair. “Hi, I thought you were working today?”

  “Good morning to you also.”

  “Uuugh! Good morning, sorry I’m not a morning person.”

  Blair chuckled. “Must be all that beer.”

  “Ha, ha! Did I make a fool of myself last night? And are you calling to cancel on the idiot with low alcohol tolerance?”

  Blair laughed. “No, not calling to cancel, and no you did not make a fool of yourself last night, and even if you did, that would put us even. Yes, I’m working. Just wanted to make sure you survived the night. I’ve never known anyone who gets drunk with one beer and a few sips of another, and we are talking bad park beer,” Blair said with a sarcastic tone.

  “I see that you are very amused with my handicap. But I guess now you’ll believe me when I say that one is my limit. I may be able to handle two, if I space them out.”

  “Why did you have sips of mine, then?”

  “I was having fun and I thought I’d be okay by the time we left. I also felt safe with you.”

  Blair remained quiet. She feels safe with me? “Well tonight you are having only one and you are going to drink it very slowly, and when you are done, we are gone.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”